Language is one of the highest forms of culture, and is one of the distinguishing factors which separate the humans from the animals. Anthropologists and linguists in every sub-field imaginable have tried to pinpoint the origins of human speech and evolution of languages. There is the ta-ta theory the, the ma-ma theory, the pooh-pooh theory, the motor skills of the brains of monkeys with those of humans in an attempt to discover the origin of languages. There are hundreds of hypothesis as to when and how languages came about. None of these scholars however can say beyond the shadow of a doubt that languages all stem from one common root but. But they often suggest that there probably was a common linguistic root. (NHK Radio)
If someone just came right out and told the world – yes there use to be only one language! It’s called the Adamic language (after Adam the first man) All languages can trace their roots back to this, its most pure form. Nobody comes out and tells us this because not everyone believes in Adam. What we have instead is a scientific term used by linguists called the Nostratic tongue.
When we compare the similarities and dissimilarities of languages we are overwhelmed with the similarities. This suggests that there was such a thing as the Nostratic tongue even when the apparently different languages Japanese and English, when compared show that there are too many similarities to think that there wasn’t some such common root. The next few paragraphs will show the similarities in the days of the week in Japanese and English then you decide how different they are.
A closer look suggests that all languages come from one and the same root. If we take a closer look at the way the information age is shaping the way we communicate in regards to language, it wouldn’t be too far amiss to say that although we might not be going back to the Adamic language, but seeing how languages are becoming more and more extinct, we might be headed towards a time when we again use only one language. The days of the week as denoted by the worlds languages share a similarity that is too alike to pass off as a mere coincidence.
A comparison of words for the days of the week in English and Japanese show that there was a tongue from which languages sprang, it also showed how it digressed. The languages started changing as more and more people populated the earth. Then at some point the differences became so great that it gave rise to the birth of other languages ( It actually necessitated them.) small of an example of the similarities in languages that several languages that the tongues of the world did indeed come from one source.
February 21, 2008