August 11, 2008

Basic Japanese Grammar Base IV + BA

Basic Japanese Grammar
The Japanese conditional form - verb in Base IV
After putting a verb into base IV, add the suffix particle BA ば to make sentences that take on an “iffy” meaning.

Verb (Base IV) + BA = IF VERB

To turn a Japanese verb into an “if” statement, put the verb into Base IV and add BA.

The first five vowels in the Japanese language correspond to the first five bases I, II, III, IV, and V , so that:

Verbs in Base I end in the a (あ) syllable.

Verbs in Base II end in the i (い) syllable.

Verbs in Base III end in the u (う) syllable.

Verbs in Base IV end in the e (え) syllable.


Verbs in Base V end in the syllable o (お).

Examples of putting a verb into base IV:

1. HANASU話す– v. to speak

Hanasu 話す (Base IV) = HANASE話せ

Add + BA ば


HANASEBA話せば= If (I) spoke…

2. IKU行く– v. to go

IKU行く (Base IV) = IKE行け

Add + BA ば

IKE行け + BA ば = IKE 行けば

IKEBA 行けば= If (I) go…

3. – v. to go

IKU行く (Base IV) = IKE行け

Add + BA ば

IKE行け + BA ば = IKE 行けば

IKEBA 行けば= If (I) go…

That’s all for now Ganbatte Ne! Do your Best! Makurasuki