In the majority of known languages there seems to exist within each of their forms of communication a division of it into one that is uttered with a spoken language and its converse skill of listening and comprehending (interpreting the meaning, understanding of the message that is being sent. written language.
In Japanese the need arose in around the year 600 A.D. or so that a system of writing be established to more unitize the many warlords who were scattered across the various districts of Japan. Kanji (plural Kanji) are pictographs, borrowed from the chinese scripts and borrowed their system of writing to an exten. Kanji are capable of relaying and expressing much more meaning than can be gained through description of an idea or object with the phoenician alphabet. Westerners grow up in a world where our writing system is now such that we write our words alphabetically.
Purely due to each kanji's graphical nature, and evolution a much deeper meaning contained within each one. It is usually difficult for westerners to comprehend such a a writing system wherein the words are still more ideographic than Much different than what us who are stifled by the alphabet. Kanji can be written in as many as 1 to 100 strokes of the pen of the stenographer. The simplest kanji are 1 stroke and there are six kanji that can be written in as few as 1 stroke(s)We can see the meaning of things inside the kanji. Therefore from the get go, we should try to ween ouselves from the temptation to look up words in romaji to decipher meaning. We should use a dictionary like sanseidos daily concise.
Week 1 verbs - Drink, Sleep,Eat, go hataraku. Put verbs in all bases. Nouns:coffee;tea;milk; water,coca cola,sake,aquarius,beer,juice.
Adjectives - oishii, sutekina, benri na, okiim nagai samui, atsui, chisaii, mijikai. Grammer masu, masen, masen deshita etc, BII +tai desu = I want to. polite form, lets = BII+masho long o etc
Adjectives- are fun to play with Practice putting the adjectives in front of a noun etc
June 1, 2008
Sleepy Japanese study methods techniques
Some especially useful words.
100 Japanes Verbs Romaji English ID Field2
戦況する 116
結審する 165
いきだす ikidasu 90
式する 98
唱える 100
ふめる 104
背t名する 80
のかす nokasu 114
園芸する engei suru 79
量る 124
妥協 130
壊す 136
背減する 142
感激する 143
祖損する 145
なかす nakasu 112
支持する 17
しょりする shori suru 3
支持する 4
結審する 5
うごかす ugokasu 6
うごく ugoku 7
みたす 85
兼用する 11
そなえる to prepare, to provide 101
伴奏する 18
第ひ湯する 19
穂門する 26
紺とろるする 46
年とる 66
混乱する konran suru 78
簿駅する 8
頼る 181
込む 167
乱す 199
区別する kubetsu suru 197
捻る 188
抛る 180
結婚する kekkon suru to marry 57
とこにすく toko ni suku old way of saying to go to bed 93
あずける azukeru same as azukaru intrasitive 84
拒む ayumu to apologize 135
あわれる awareru to appear 62
たずねる tazuneru to ask 25
うかがう ukagau to ask, or visit 24
たたかう tatakau to attack 77
できる dekiru to be able, can 32
もしあげる moshiageru to be called 33
みちる michiru to be filled with 86
込む fukumu to be included 179
欠く fuku to be insufficient, to lack 191
暴れる abareru to be jittery unstable, to act up 151
節足する fusoku suru to be unsatisfactory, to be not enough 184
しんじる shinjiru to believe 14
炊く fuku to blow 175
増す fukuramasu to blow up 117
ふかす fukasu to blow up (baloon) 103
励ます fukuramasu to blow up(balloon) to fill up with 138
かりる kariru to borrow 50
かう kau to buy 9
はこぶ hakobu to carry 106
祝う iwau to celebrate 156
変化する henka suru to change shape, transform 157
かえる kaeru to change, to return 52
閉める shimeru to close 160
くらべる kuraberu to compare 20
文句する monku suru to complain 30
確かめる tashikameru to confirm 194
正す tadasu to correct 192
なく naku to cry 111
減る heru to decrease 118
希望する kibou suru to desire 120
うつす utsusu to develop( film), to get on print 31
死ぬ shinu to die 82
握る horu to dig 125
みわける miwakeru to distinguish, tell apart 15
わる waru to divide, to break in half 42
離婚すsる rikon suru to divorce 56
まね する mane o suru to do an impression of 158
やる yaru to do, to play 153
運転する unten suru to drive 107
まわる mawaru to encircle, to go around in a circle 43
はげます hagemasu to encourage 123
終わる owaru to end 177
はいる hairu to enter, to go in 58
定める sadameru to establish 195
攻める sadameru to establish 171
運動する undou suru to exercise 63
説明する setsumei suru to explain 146
爆発する bakuhatsu suru to explode 152
ふる furu to fall, 49
みつける mitsukeru to find 64
したがう shitagau to follow 23
正解する seikai suru to get something right 163
もしわけする moshiwake suru to give an excuse 47
かえす kaesu to give back 53
産む umu to give birth 119
あげる ageru to give, to bring to boil 2
はげる hageru to go bald 65
つりする tsuri suru to go fishing 108
壊れる abareru to go hog wild 137
嫌う kirau to hate 168
揉む awaremu to have mercy 149
満足する to have plenty of, to be satisfied 185
たすける tasukeru to help 81
持つ motsu to hold 193
頂く itadaku to humbly partake 174
急ぐ isogu to hurry 176
つもる tsumoru to intend, to pile up, to plug 48
蹴る keru to kick 134
ころす Korosu to kill 97
みちびく michibiku to lead 95
預かる azukaru to leave with someone 173
あずかる azukaru to leave with someone, to entrust 83
かす kasu to lend 51
しらせる shiraseru to let know 12
好む konomu to like 169
負ける makeru to lose 109
失う ushinau to lose something 161
愛する ai suru to love 166
たてかける tatekakeru to make 22
たてる tateru to make 41
失敗する shippai suru to make a mistake 162
蜜tめる tashikameru to make certain, to double check 132
イジケル ijikeru to make fun of 133
もたらす motarasu to make someone hold something 89
まじわる majiwau to mix 54
おこる okoru to occur, to happen 68
開ける akeru to open 159
圧倒する atto suru to overwhelm 144
参加する sanka suru to participate 88
はらう harau to pay 96
なぜる nazeru to pet (the cat) 21
ひろう hirou to pick up, to gather 71
えらぶ erabu to pick, to choose 76
おく oku to place 70
指す sasu to point 127
指差す yubisasu to point with finger 128
簡便する junbi suru to prepare 45
備える sonaeru to prepare 164
保存する honzai suru to preserve 75
さまたげる samategeru to prevent 59
禁止する kinshi suru to prohibit 39
引く hiku to pull 140
押す osu to push 141
たよる tayoru to rely on 1
のこる nokoru to remain 113
再婚する saikon suru to re-marry 55
尊敬する sonkei suru to respect 150
子劇する sonkei suru to respect 38
復習する fukushuu suru to review 102
上がる agaru to rise, to go up 131
さがす sagasu to search, to seek 67
相談する soudan suru to seek advice, to consult 105
うる uru to sell 87
はなれる hanareru to separate 40
離れる hanareru to separate, to tear 196
分かち合う wakachiau to share 122
しめす shimesu to show 61
閉まる shimaru to shut 172
ねる neru to sleep 92
ニコニコする nikoniko suru to smile 91
そなえる sonaeru to sound 10
話す hanasu to speak 147
あまえる amaeru to spoil ( a kid) 36
ひろがる hirogaru to spread across, to widen 35
立つ tatsu to stand 154
始める hajimeru to start 178
はじめる hajimeru to start, to begin 27
成功する sieko suru to succeed 44
足りる tariru to suffice 186
たりる tariru to suffice, to have enough 72
狙う nerau to take aim 170
語る kataru to talk about 148
あじわる ajiwaru to taste 37
つたえる tsutaeru to tell 29
伝える tsutaeru to tell 189
見分ける miwakeru to tell apart 198
差別する sabetsu suru to tell the difference 129
証する akashi suru to testify 99
かんがえる kangaeru to think 73
つや区する tsuuyaku suru to translate from written text to written text 94
動力する douryoku to try 60
尽くす tsukusu to use completely, exhaust 182
待つ matsu to wait 155
おこす okosu to wake up, to cause to get up 69
歩く aruku to walk 187
欲しがる hoshigaru to want 126
あたためる atatameru to warm up(food) 16
ひろげる hirogeru to widen, to spread out 34
かつ katsu to win 110
願う negau to wish, to plead to beg 200
願う negau to wish, to want 121
書く kaku to write 139
Bad pronunciation is no excuse! EVER!
When I hear badly pronounced Japanese, it’s like hearing fingernails scraping against a chalkboard. I have been known to turn red in embarrassment for the person committing the foul pronunciation. Why is pronunciation such a big deal? There are many reasons why language learners should practice pronouncing their words correctly. In this article I I’ll touch on a few topics I feel are important concerning learning, studying and practicing pronunciation in Japanese.
In speaking another language, the main goal is to try to get your message across, unless you are looking for some chit chat. You need to understand how important it is to be understood quickly, and, clearly. When your pronunciation isn’t very good, then that means it isn’t very legible, audible, excusable nor is it understandable. The time wasted correcting badly pronounced communication doensn’t outweigh the benefits of learning first to pronounce correctly before ever learning any of the tango. Even if the sentences had perfect grammar and style. What are the words by beginners who feel the topic of ‘pronunciation’ shouldn’t be treated as a ritual. If we are to be understood, we must use correct pronunciation. There is no way other way for communication to take place efficiently with more words understood per /1000 than can otherwise be had.
If you want to be a well liked and a well respected speaker of Japanese then put pronunciation practice at the top of your priority list for things you need to study. Bad pronunciation is not cool. It is simply irresponsible for a beginning Japanese language learner to continue learning Japanese without making attempts to improve upon their own particular pronunciation situation. A good steward of SLA makes sure that he/she is pronouncing the words they use in conversation correctly. A learner of the Japanese language must never neglect pronunciation in their studies. The art or skill of the lips the teeth and the tip of the tongue can spell the difference between effective communication, or, utter confusion. A tongue defines the soul and character from which tribes are made. How words are communicated amongst individuals also shows clearly to foreign outsiders trying to take a peek through the Japanese window, to find themselves in an onsen at Unzen. And it defines the type of people they represent; The Japanese have a very long heritage and lineage of traditions, festivals, and ceremonies that have been passed down through the generations. I mean Santa Claus is one thing but, carrying the big butsudan all through town in a thong, at those types of butsuri.
Giving a little extra effort in your practice of correct pronunciation displays a sincere desire to understand the people and culture through the words of their mouth. Words of a language were not just some accident. Or were they?
Japanese pronunciation is probably one of the easier aspects of the language to learn yet it is often put aside due to the seemingly lack of similarities between the two languages.
Japanese vs. English.
I use to think that if I just copied the way native speakers spoke then I should be ok, right? Well, in retrospect I do believe it is a good thing to copy speak when it comes to simple pronunciation of words, but be careful not to copy speak grammar or sentence structure because that can turn out to give you trouble later on. Mimicking native speakers is good as long as you aren’t copying their bad habits also. Men should never copy the speech of women.
Copy pronunciation, but stay very far from women’s nuances, sentence endings, and their use of certain words if done in like manner could portray an overzealous Japanese SL male learner as an okama or gay. If you don't want to be considered an OKAMA, you must pay attention to the way men use the words for you and I. And be careful of sentence ending particles like na no, no da, or sa, or za, or ze, or soi, zoi, kusa, unaccompanied particles can be quite rude in the mouth of a Gaijin. That’s harsh and if you don't know what okama is, look it up in the Sanseido Wa-Ei and if you don't have one go to my lens wherein is a link to the Sanseido publishing company. It is so important to have a dictionary as an aid for studying Japanese it goes without saying. So get one if you don't already have one.
If you are going to learn to speak Japanese please try to speak with correct pronunciation. It shows bad manners, and lack of commitment. It also sends a message of disgrace for your native country. It is important also while in Japan to show that you love your country. They are quite accepting of many gaijins in this respect. Especially since you'll usually be the only gaijin within a couple of hundred miles so make your pronunciation count.
One cool thing about Japanese pronunciation is that vowels do not vary as they do in English. They stay straight. English uses the 5 letters a e i o u to make around 20 vowel sounds. In English you find words that elide ( and do other crazy things. Dipthongs are a thing which should be carefully studied. Take a note to discuss dipthongs in Japanese, just on Sake Talkie. The are many English vowel sounds that Japanese just doesn't have. It is for this reason I find it easier to find the pronunciation of any foreign difficult word like words in the Bible Deuteronomy that you'll never figure out or philosophical names and the like, if you read those foreign difficult name type words in Japanese it comes out closer than attempts I have made in English. Actually using both your native tongue and Japanese together you can come up with the pronunciation of any difficult biblical term. Let me give you one example: In Japanese, there are 5 vowels, and 5 vowel sounds. Learning languages couldn’t be easier.
The order is a little different so that might be the first thing to look at. The first 5 syllables in the Japanese syllabary are a i u e and o. It has to be said that if you were to gather a Japanese ensemble and make a choir out of them, oh how satisfied the director would be. Because they only use 5 vowels and they are pure. International phonetics could straightway use Japanese for these vowels written in Romaji as a i u e o. Or Hiragana as あ,い,う,えand お.