Many words in Japanese don’t have exact, equivalent translations in English. The same situations just don’t often happen exactly the same in both countries. Japan has a very old national history dating back to at least 600 A.D. Our Americanized English simply hasn’t developed in the same way. We simply don’t have the same circumstances in both countries. Customs and traditions being different and unique to each country’s environment and history.
O sewa sama deshita – You did a terribly awfully nice favor for me and I am completely grateful and you really helped a lot.
Go-kuro^ sama deshita – You worked very hard today and we pay thee much respect and thanks for your hard efforts, it must have been a lot of hard work but good going and thanks.
Yokei na sewa – its none of your business
Oriko san – He is such a good kid, or she is so well behaved.
Ja ne – see ya, later, adios, ciao, lates, see you on the flipside, peace out
Dewa Mata – until next time, see you later, talk at you soon, peace out